No Long Ting

Morning, cucumber.

This emails gonna be shorter than usual, and without any of the items you’d normally expect to read on a Sunday.

Because when I started this newsletter, I didn’t mean it to turn out like a Chinese counterfeit version of the flippin’ Onion.

It just kind of went that way.

“Fuck knows.”

And I don’t think we need any more Onions. One is more than enough.

So expect less of the made-up silly stuff and more of the real-life silly stuff (that I have yet to crystalize in my noggin).

Also, you might hear from me on days other than today. Because to send an email only on a Sunday is basically racist against the rest of the week.

Don’t forget that Black Fridays Matter.

Oh yeah, and you’ll probably hear from me less regularly too, so thanks in advance for allowing me to enter your inbox on random days without so much as a knock on the door.

So for now, and with gratitude, I wish you a very good week ahead, and if you absolutely must to be a Karen, do it with jazz hands.