What's happened today?

Not much happened today because in my timezone, it’s 7am.

Well, I say that: some stuff has happened, but I will not explain the particulars of my toilet, or my tea, or even my toothbrush.

That would be uninteresting; unless of course, there was drama involved.

And if there was, I’d probably be too embarrassed to share it with you, not to mention that you’d probably decline the details of a literal shit-show in email format.

I say all of this because what I’d actually like to do is talk about the day. Maybe laugh at the day. And if possible, make it not about me, but about everyone else.

And for that I need time. Time to to digest the news of the world.

But fear not: this email newsletter will not become a ‘content aggregator’.

That would be too easy. And you know what they say about easy: it’s like Sunday mornings, and this newsletter is strictly a Monday to Friday deal.

I would, however, like to discuss the days events in a way that entertains, but I’m conflicted as to whether I should do it at the end of the day, or wait until the next day.

How does everyone else do it?

Do let me know.

Either way, at some point tomorrow you will read about something that’s happened that is not in my house, and it may contain drama too.

Prepare to be interested.